2011 - Constitution and By-Laws
Section 1 The organization shall be called TEATRO TOMASINO;
Section 2 The organization is a non-stock, non-profit, university-wide theater guild of the University of Santo Tomas, subject to the university's rules and regulations.
Section 1 The organization shall have three official logos recognized by the organization consisting of a capital T drawn with three lines inside a circle.
Section 1 The organization shall have an official hymn written by Jay Sioson and arranged by Jeff Hernandez;
Section 2 The lyrics of the hymn are as follows:
Mayron ka bang panaginip na ‘di maintindihan
O isang matayog na pangitain na ‘di mo malaman
Ang iyong tanong ay sagutin, kami rito ay tanungin
Ipakikita, ipamumulat lihim mong talinong angkin
Isang madilim na entablado ito’y magniningning
Iba’t ibang klaseng tao maaaring maging
Lahat dito’y abot kamay, mararanasan mo’y tagumpay
Halakhakan, palakpakan, dito mo lang matitikman
Teatro, Teatro kay kulay ng iyong mundo
Mula noon hanggang ngayon
Ang lahat may panahon
Teatro, Teatro kay kulay ng iyong mundo
Mula sa ‘min handog sa inyo
Pakinggan niyo Tomasino
Kami ay lapitan
Dito kami’y samahan sa Teatro
Magsama-sama tayo
Section 1 Primarily to present slices of life, with its myriad of intricacies and nuances, realities, and absurdities on stage through the socio-culturally relevant performing art of theater;
Section 2 To become a talent development and management organization in the university that will promote and build up the student’s artistic, cultural talents, and literacy in the field of Theater Arts;
Section 3 To promote Filipino culture and help establish national consciousness among all Thomasian community;
Section 4 To endorse a communal undertaking, responsibility, and cooperation among all students of the university with the guidance of the Thomasian values.
Section 1 There shall be a set of By-Laws which shall serve as the specific rules and regulations of the Executive Board and Members of the organization. These By-Laws shall be effective and enforced upon ratification of this Constitution;
Section 2 Any amendments to the By-Laws shall be subject to the approval of the Members through majority vote of the General Assembly called for such a purpose.
Section 1 Student members of this organization are classified as follows: probationary, apprentice, junior, and senior:
- who are bonafide students of the university;
- who are of good moral character and have the ability to interact with other members;
- who are willing and able to assume their function, duties, and responsibilities of the members of the organization;
- who fulfilled the duties and requirements stated in the By-laws of the Constitution;
- who believe in the Constitution and the By-Laws of the organization.
Section 2 The probationary member is an individual who has applied for membership and successfully accomplished the auditions set by the Executive Board and/or Screening Committee. The probationary member is subject to fulfill the duties stated in Article 1 Section 2 of the By-Laws of this Constitution;
Section 3 The apprentice member is an individual promoted from being a probationary member given that he/she has accomplished the duties stated in Article 1 Section 2 of the By-Laws of this Constitution. The apprentice member is subject to fulfill the duties stated in Article 2 Section 2A of the By-Laws of this Constitution. The apprentice has privilege to be chosen as scholar of the organization in outside workshops/trainings;
Section 4 The junior member is an individual promoted from being an apprentice member given that he/she has accomplished the duties stated in Article 2 Section 2A of the By-Laws of this Constitution. The apprentice member is subject to fulfill the duties stated in Article 2 Section 2B of the By-Laws of this Constitution. The junior member is preferably to have the position as head in productions;
Section 5 The senior member is an individual promoted from being a junior member given that he/she has accomplished the duties stated in Article 2 Section 2B of the By-Laws of this Constitution. The apprentice member is subject to fulfill the duties stated in Article 2 Section 2C of the By-Laws of this Constitution. The senior member is preferably to have the position as head and /or designer in productions;
Section 6 The privileges of members as they are promoted will be accumulated to their membership status;
Section 7 Members can file a Leave of Absence (LOA) on account and subject to the following conditions: health, financial, or personal matters;
Section 8 The honorary member is an individual who have graduated from, have discontinued schooling; or have been honorably dismissed from the university, who were accredited members and have contributed significantly to the goals of the organization. They may participate in any activity of the organization and give aid to any venture with the discretion of the Executive Board upon arriving at a mutual agreement regarding the extent of the participation. They may also give advice to the Executive Board and members of the organization.
Section 1 The Executive Board of the organization shall be composed of enrolled students of the university. They shall be elected based on leadership ability, interest, work, aptitude, conduct, ability to socialize, and commitment. They shall at least serve one (1) year and may be re-elected depending on their performance during their term;
Section 2 The Executive Board shall be composed of the Artistic Director, Technical Director, Business Director, Executive Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Auditor, Marketing and Public Relations Officer, Assistant Marketing and Public Relations Officer and Alumni and Special Events Coordinator;
Section 3 The Artistic Director oversees the whole organization, defines its pace and growth and, upon consultation with the Executive Board, makes the final decision on the production and other undertakings of the organization. The Artistic Director ensures the aesthetic development of the organization;
Section 4 The Technical Director oversees the technical aspects of the organization which includes the maintenance of the organization's office, stockroom, the maintenance and acquisition of technical equipments. The Technical Director shall see to it that the technical growth of the organization is achieved. He/she ensures the proper and smooth execution of the technical aspect of a production;
Section 5 The Business Director oversees the business side of the organization and ensures the financial stability of the organization. The Business Director ensures the proper management of all productions especially its finances. The Business Director will be closely working with the Auditor;
Section 6 The Executive Secretary shall create and maintain the official files and archives of the organization. He/She shall also perform other functions inherent to the secretarial position;
Section 7 The Assistant Secretary assists the Executive Secretary of his/her over-all duties. The Assistant Secretary is the legal successor of the Executive Secretary in case of his/her withdrawal or impeachment;
Section 8 The Auditor shall handle and audit all the financial and business records of the organization including productions and other business undertakings;
Section 9 The Marketing and Public Relations Officer shall keep the Members and Advisers informed of meetings and other activities of the organization. He/She ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of the planned marketing strategy;
Section 10 The Assistant Marketing and Public Relations Officer assists the Marketing and Public Relations Officer of his/her over-all duties. The Assistant Marketing and Public Relations Officer is the legal successor of the Marketing and Public Relations Officer in case of his/her withdrawal or impeachment;
Section 11 The Alumni and Special Events Coordinator Serve as the liaison officer to the alumni of the organization. He/She also coordinates and plans other activities of the organization except from productions and workshops;
Section 1 The organization shall have a set of Advisers to be chosen by the Executive Board, except those recommended and appointed by the university. They shall serve for a term of one (1) year and may be chosen or recommended again by the Executive Board;
Section 2 There will be the following set of Advisers: the Faculty Advisers; and the Professional Adviser;
Section 3 The Faculty Advisers shall provide liaison between the organization and the university. He/She shall advise the Executive Board on matters regarding the organization. The Faculty Adviser must be a faculty member of the university and to be recommended by the Executive Board, duly-approved and appointed by the Office of Student Affairs;
Section 4 The Professional Adviser shall be an Honorary Member or a professional in the Theater profession chosen by the Executive Board. He/She shall advise the Executive Board in matters pertaining to the artistic goals and the day-to-day operations of the organization.
Section 1 There shall be an Executive Board Meeting to be thrice a month to be called by the Artistic Director;
Section 2 There shall be a meeting of all the Members every week. It shall be called the General Assembly. The Executive Secretary shall preside over the General Assembly;
Section 3 Special Meetings may be called by the Executive Board upon the approval of the Artistic Director if deemed necessary;
Section 4 Meetings should be held, as much as possible, inside the university. In case meeting inside the university is not possible due to its unavailability, the Executive Board should ensure a safe and convenient alternative venue with the adviser’s knowledge.
Section 1 There shall be a fund to be used solely for productions and other activities, including the purchase of materials for the organization;
Section 2 A bank account shall be maintained by the organization for the funds under the care of the Business Director, and managed by the latter with the Artistic Director and the Faculty Advisers;
Section 3 The fund shall be audited at the end of the school year prior to the turnover of the account to the newly-elected Executive Board Members. The Auditor with the Business Director shall audit the funds under the guidance and supervision of the Faculty Adviser and the Professional Adviser.
Section 1 There will be at least two (2) major theater productions or four (4) minor productions (two (2) minor productions is equivalent to one (1) major production) to be staged every school year;
Section 2 The productions shall reflect the organization's goals and objectives in the service of the Thomasian population;
Section 3 The production must be composed of the student members of the organization;
Section 4 The organization can have a joint production with any university-wide organization or college-wide groups through a cooperative effort or be lending its material sources and members.
Section 1 Disciplinary action covers all members of the organization as defined in Article 5 of this Constitution;
Section 2 Any Executive Board Member or Member may be suspended, or dismissed from the organization after due process on offenses defined in the organization's By-Laws and the university student handbook;
Section 3 The Artistic Director shall appoint a Disciplinary Action Board (DAB) composed of 5 persons coming from the Executive Board and Senior Members to investigate complaints lodged against the Executive Board and Members. They shall decide on and recommend the disciplinary action to the Artistic Director.
Section 1 Any Executive Board Member or Member intending to resign must submit his/her letter of resignation to the Executive Board at least three (3) days before its effectivity. The resignation will be subject to approval by the Executive Board in consultation with the Faculty Advisers;
Section 2 Resignation by an Executive Board Member or Member automatically forfeits any rights and privileges accorded by the organization;
Section 3 In case of a resignation by an Executive Board Member, the Artistic Director will immediately appoint a replacement from the remaining Executive Board Members or the Members. The appointed Executive Board Member will serve the remainder of the term of the resigned Executive Board Member. If the Artistic Director resigns, the Technical Director shall immediately assume the vacant position to serve the remainder of the term. The Executive Board Member appointed by the Artistic Director is considered co-terminus with the resignation of the Artistic Director;
Section 4 If, for one reason or another, the Executive Board resign from their positions, the Faculty Advisers and Professional Adviser will appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to run the organization until the holding of elections. The Committee will consist of five (5) members of which they will choose among themselves a director of the committee.
Section 1 An Executive Board Member can be impeached from his/her position after due process by a committee to be elected by the General Assembly for the offenses as defined in the organization’s By-Laws and University’s Student Handbook;
Section 2 An Executive Board Member is considered suspended from his/her position until a decision will be rendered by the committee;
Section 3 The Committee’s decision shall be given to the Faculty Advisers for action after which the Office of the Students Affairs shall be notified.
Section 1 There shall be an annual Gabi ng Parangal after every school year as an appreciation of the artistic talents and efforts of the members during a production.It will be done after the last day of the final examination of the school year in the university.
Section 1 There will be an election of Executive Board Members at the end of every school year within fourteen (14) days before the last day of the final examination period of the school year in the university;
Section 2 There will be a Committee on Elections composed of The Executive Board members who are graduating at the end of the year to conduct and supervise the elections;
Section 3 An Executive Board Member is considered elected if he/she has garnered a majority of the votes of the Members present at the General Assembly called for the elections;
Section 4 The elected Executive Board Members shall take their oaths of office during the Gabi ng Parangal. They shall sworn in by the Faculty Advisers/ Professional Adviser. The Executive Board Members shall be sworn in according with the following formula:
"I (name of Executive Board Member) do hereby solemnly swear that I will faithfully fulfill my duties as (Executive Board Member's position) of Teatro Tomasino, to uphold and abide by the Constitution of the organization and execute its By-Laws to the best of my ability. So help me God."
Section 1 Batch 2011 Members will assume the status of apprentice members and comply with the duties of such in this Constitution and By-Laws;
Section 2 Batch 2008 Members will not be subject to Article 5 of this Constitution. It is the discretion of the Artistic Director if they will be declared Honorary Members.
Section 1 Any amendment/s to this Constitution may be proposed to the Executive Board Members and approved by a majority vote of the members called in General Assembly for such a purpose;
Section 2 The Executive Board Members will create an Ad Hoc Committee composed of 9 student members should the need arise with regards to the proposed amendments to this Constitution;
Section 3 Ratification of any amendment/s is valid on a majority of Members called in General Assembly for such a purpose.
Ratified by the Executive Board and Members of Teatro Tomasino convened in General Assembly this ___ of _______________, 2011 at the Teatro Tomasino Office, University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila.
John Paul Gonzales Martin Joseph Remos Joyce Ann Mosende
Artistic Director Technical Director Business Director
Mabel Esther Yu Jean Joscel Dela Cruz Anna Francesca Marfori
Secretary Auditor PRO (Internal)
Jessika Jane Torres
PRO (External)
Ralph Semino Galan Nerisa del Carmen Guevara
Faculty Adviser Faculty Adviser