2007 - Constitution and By-Laws
Section 1 The organization shall be called TEATRO TOMASINO
Section 1 The organization is a non-stock, non-profit, university-wide theater guild of the University of Santo Tomas, subject to the university's rules and regulations.
Section 2 The organization shall have an official logo consisting of a capital T drawn with three lines inside a circle and colored black and white.
Section 1 Primarily to present slices of life, with its myriad of intricacies and nuances, realities, and absurdities on stage through the socio-culturally relevant performing art of theater;
Section 2 To awaken and develop the Thomasian artistic and cultural inclination in the field of Theatrical Arts;
Section 3 To encourage the student artist and provide them with a medium of expression in their intention of clearly defining Filipino identity;
Section 4 To centralize into one coordinating body the dramatic efforts and activities of the Thomasians and providing liaison among different college dramatic groups;
Section 5 To promote and encourage the Thomasian values of brotherhood and unity.
Section 1 There shall be a set of By-Laws which shall serve as the specific rules and regulations of the Officers and Members of the organization. These By-Laws shall be effective and enforced upon ratification of this Constitution
Section 2 Any amendments to the By-Laws shall be subject to the approval of the Members through majority vote of the General Assembly called for such a purpose.
Section 1 Members of this organization should be:
- Those who are bonafide students of the university;
- Those who are of good moral character and have the ability to interact with other members'
- Those who are willing and able to assume their function, duties, and responsibilities of the members of the organization;
- Those who believe in the Constitution and the By-Laws of the organization.
Section 2 Honorary Members are those who have graduated from, have discontinued schooling; or have been honorably dismissed from the university, who were accredited members and have contributed significantly to the goals of the organization. They may participate in any activity of the organization, give aid to any venture, and give advice to the officers and members of the organization.
Section 1 The Officers of the organization shall be composed of enrolled students of the university. They shall be elected based on leadership ability, interest, work, aptitude, conduct, ability to socialize, and commitment. They shall at least serve one (1) year and may be re-elected depending on their performance during their term.
Section 2 The Officers shall be composed of the Artistic Director, Technical Director, Business Director, Secretary, Auditor, Public Relations Officer Internal, and Public Relations Officer External.
Section 3 The Artistic Director oversees the whole organization, defines its pace and growth; and, upon consultation with the officers, makes the final decision on the production and other undertakings of the organization.
The Artistic Director shall see to it that the artistic goals of the organization are achieved.
Section 4 The Technical Director oversees the technical aspects of the organization including the maintenance of the organization's office.
The Technical Director shall see to it that the technical growth of the organization, especially in the productions, are achieved.
Section 5 The Business Director oversees the business side of the organization, especially its finances.
The Business Director will be closely working with the Auditor.
Section 6 The Secretary shall create and maintain the official files and archives of the organization. He/She shall also perform other functions inherent to the secretarial position.
Section 7 The Auditor shall handle and audit all the financial and business records of the organization including productions and other business undertakings.
Section 8 The Public Relations Officer Internal shall keep the Members and Advisers informed of meetings and other activities of the organization. He/She shall represent the organization in matters of inter-university activities.
Section 9 The Public Relations Officer External shall handle the organization's interaction with off-campus entities. He/She shall represent the organization in activities outside the university.
Section 1 The organization shall have a set of Advisers to be chosen by the Officers, except those recommended and appointed by the university. They shall serve for a term of one (1) year and may be chosen or recommended again by the Officers.
Section 2 There will be the following set of Advisers: the Ecclesiastical Adviser; the Faculty Advisers; and the Professional Adviser.
Section 3 The Ecclesiastical Adviser shall look after the moral and spiritual well-being of the Members. He shall be recommended and appointed by the university.
Section 4 The Faculty Advisers shall provide liaison between the organization and the university. He/She shall advise the Officers on matters regarding the organization.
The Faculty Adviser must be a faculty member of the university and to be recommended by the Officers, duly-approved and appointed by the Office of Student Affairs
Section 5 The Professional Adviser shall be an Honorary Member or a professional in the Theater profession chosen by the Officers. He/She shall advise the Officers in matters pertaining to the artistic goals and the day-to-day operations of the organization.
Section 1 There shall be an Officers' Meeting to be held once a week to be called by the Artistic Director;
Section 2 There shall be a meeting of all the Members every Friday of the month. It shall be called the General Assembly.
The Secretary shall preside over the General Assembly.
Section 3 Special Meetings may be called by the Officers upon the approval of the Artistic Director if deemed necessary.
Section 1 There shall be a fund to be used solely for productions and other activities, including the purchase of materials for the organization.
Section 2 A bank account shall be maintained by the organization for the funds under the care of the Business Director, and managed by the latter with the Artistic Director and the Faculty Advisers.
Section 3 The fund shall be audited at the end of the schoolyear prior to the turnover of the account to the newly-elected Officers. The Auditor with the Business Director shall audit the funds under the guidance and supervision of the Faculty Adviser and the Professional Adviser.
Section 1 There will be at least two (2) theater productions to be staged every schoolyear.
Section 2 The productions shall reflect the organization's goals and objectives in the service of the Thomasian population.
Section 3 The organization can have a joint production with any university-wide organization or college-wide groups through a cooperative effort or be lending its material sources and members.
Section 1 Disciplinary action covers all members of the organization as defined in Article 5 of this Constitution.
Section 2 Any Officer or Member may be suspended, or dismissed from the organization after due process on offenses defined in the organization's By-Laws and the university student handbook.
Section 3 The Artistic Director shall appoint a Disciplinary Action Board (DAB) to investigate complaints lodged against Officers and Members. They shall decide on and recommend the disciplinary action to the Artistic Director.
Section 1 Any Officer or Member intending to resign must submit his/her letter of resignation to the Officers at least three (3) days before its effectivity. The resignation will be subject to approval by the Officers in consultation with the Faculty Advisers.
Section 2 Resignation by an officer or member automatically forfeits any rights and privileges accorded by the organization.
Section 3 In case of a resignation by an Officer, the Artistic Director will immediately appoint a replacement from the Officers or the Members. The appointed Officer will serve the remainder of the term of the resigned Officer.
If the Artistic Director resigns, the Technical Director shall immediately assume the vacant position to serve the remainder of the term.
The Officer appointed by the Artistic Director is considered co-terminus with the resignation of the Artistic Director
Section 4 If, for one reason or another, the Officers resign from their positions, the Faculty Advisers and Professional Adviser will appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to run the organization until the holding of elections for Officers. The Committee will consist of five (5) members of which they will choose among themselves a director of the committee.
Section 1 An officer can be impeached from his/her position after due process by a committee to be elected by the General Assembly for the offenses as defined in the organization’s By-Laws and University’s Student Handbook.
Section 2 An officer is considered suspended from his/her position until a decision will be rendered by the committee.
Section 3 The Committee’s decision shall be given to the Faculty Advisers for action after which the Office of the Students Affairs shall be notified.
Section 1 There shall be an annual Gabi ng Parangal after every schoolyear as an appreciation of the artistic talents and efforts of the members during a production.
It will be done after the last day of the final examination of the schoolyear in the university.
Section 1 There will be an election of Officers at the end of every schoolyear within fourteen (14) days before the last day of the final examination period of the schoolyear in the university.
Section 2 There will be a Committee on Elections composed of the Officers to conduct and supervise the elections.
Section 3 An Officer is considered elected if he/she has garnered a majority of the votes of the Members present at the General Assembly called for the elections.
Section 4 The elected Officers shall take their oaths of office during the Gabi ng Parangal. They shall sworn in by the Faculty Advisers/ Professional Adviser.
The Officers shall be sworn in according with the following formula:
"I (name of Officer) do hereby solemnly swear that I will faithfully fulfill my duties as (Officer's position) of Teatro Tomasino, to uphold and abide by the Constitution of the organization and execute its By-Laws to the best of my ability. So help me God."
Section 1 This Constitution and its By-Laws shall immediately take effect upon the assumption of office of the Officers of Schoolyear 2005-2006 on its ratification upon the majority vote of the Members called in General Assembly for such a purpose.
Section 1 Any amendment/s to this Constitution may be proposed to the Officers and approved by a majority vote of the members called in General Assembly for such a purpose.
Section 2 The Officers will create an Ad Hoc Committee should the need arise with regards to the proposed amendments to this Constitution.
Section 3 Ratification of any amendment/s is valid on a majority of Members called in General Assembly for such a purpose.
Ratified by the Officers and Members of Teatro Tomasino convened in General Assembly this ___ of _______________, 2007 at the Teatro Tomasino Office, University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila.
Niña Belle Gavan Zoelle Cate Damag Raymond Beltran
Artistic Director Technical Director Business Director
Eladio Jose Abquina Richard Gozum Joanne Saldana
Secretary Auditor P.R.O
Noted by:
Marc Eric C. Reyes Jose Victor Z. Torres Ph. D
Faculty Adviser Faculty Adviser
Section 1 Individuals seeking admission to the organization must:
a) Properly fill out an Application Form and pay for the Application Fee
b) Be oriented, screened, and recommended for Admission by a Screening Committee
c) Pass all requirements set by the Officers and/or the Screening Body
d) Individuals who passed the auditions by the screening committee shall be called a successful applicant
Section 2 Duties of the Successful Applicants
a) It is the duty of the successful applicant to fulfill the requirements below to become a member;
- Signatory
- Attendance in General Assemblies as well as Special Meetings
- Participation in workshops offered by the organization
- Perform or be involved in productions of the organization
- Perform or be involved in Showcase of Talents
Section 3 Suspension of the granting of membership status
a) Failure to complete any of the requirements would mean suspension of the granting of membership status.
a) To attend all General Assemblies as well as Special Meetings called;
b) To actively participate in the organization's activities;
c) To abide by the organization's Constitution and By-Laws;
d) To exercise his right to vote with care and deliberation;
e) To be an accredited member by having an index file on record, an ID card provided by the organization and pay an annual membership fee;
f) To guide and advise the organization for its well being and maintaining its artistic goals.
Section 1 The Officers general duties are:
a) They shall manage the organization in matters regarding its day-to-day operations as a university-wide entity.
b) They shall serve as the evaluating body that shall review each activity according to the general objectives of the organization.
c) They shall accept or reject any project depending on its effect on the objectives as well as the existence of the organization.
d) They shall formulate, create, and enact programs as well as rules and regulations in its duty for the development of the Members' artistic talent and Thomasian values.
e) To protect the Constitution and By-Laws from any form of violations.
Section 2 The Artistic Director shall head the organization in its day to day operation and makes sure that its artistic goals are achieved. He/She shall:
a) make final decisions on matters upon consultation with his/her officers;
b) shall convene and preside over the Officers' meetings as well as special meetings
c) shall be a co-signee in the organization's bank account;
d) shall help in the improvement of the production in consultation with the director;
e) to sign or note correspondences pertaining to internal and external matters of the organization.
Section 3 The Technical Director shall manage/supervise the technical aspects of a production and makes sure that the organization's technical goals are achieved. He/She shall:
a) maintain and supervise the upkeep of the organization's technical equipment;
b) supervise the maintenance, cleanliness, and upkeep of the organization's office;
c) shall help in the improvement of the technical aspect of a play in consultation with the director and production heads;
d) shall take over the position of Artistic Director upon the latter's resignation, leave of absence or dismissal.
Section 4 The Business Director shall handle the financial and business matters of the organization. He/She shall:
a) maintain and keep the financial records of the organization;
b) maintain a bank account for the funds of the organization;
c) assist in the auditing of the financial records and funds of the organization;
d) represent the organization in business matters;
e) supervise the Production Manager in the accounting of the expenses and earnings of the production;
f) present a financial report to the Officers and Members.
Section 5 The Secretary shall handle the records and other secretarial matters regarding the day-to-day operations of the organization. He./She shall:
a) maintain documents regarding the operation of the organization; the archives; the production books; correspondences; minutes of the meeting' and other records pertaining to the organization'
b) preside over the General Assembly;
c) maintain minutes of the Officers' meeting; General Assembly, and other special meetings.
Section 6 The Auditor shall audit all accounts, financial records, and other documents pertaining to the financial and business aspects of the organization. He/She shall:
a) audit the accounts of the organization as well as the financial and business records of the productions staged during the year;
b) maintain financial records separate from the Business Director;
c) audit the financial reports of the organization with the Business Director.
Section 7 The Public Relations Officer Internal shall ensure an efficient relations and communication between and among the Officers and the Members, as well as the organization and the university officials. He/She shall:
a) represent the organization in meetings with university officials;
b) handle the dissemination of announcements of meetings to the members;
c) check with the Secretary a record of the status of each member of the organization;
d) maintain a directory of all the members of the organization;
e) maintain communication with the other college-wide theater groups inside the university.
Section 8 The Public Relations Officer External shall ensure efficient relations and communication between the organization and other individuals, organizations, and other entities outside the university. He/She shall:
a) maintain with the Artistic Director and Secretary communication with professional and other university and community theater groups;
b) handle communications with the Business Director on business matters with professional entities outside the university;
c) disseminate announcements regarding productions, workshops, and other theatrical activities from outside the university to the Officers and Members;
d) handle press releases regarding the organization's productions and other theatrical activities to media;
e) maintain a media list and contacts.
Section 1 The Advisers shall perform the following functions:
a) to enlighten and aid the officers in the discharge of their functions;
b) to guide the members of the organization in the pursuit of their objectives;
c) to render moral support to the members;
d) to protect the Constitution and By-Laws from any form of violation.
Section 1 Officers' Meetings shall be held once a week to be followed by a General Assembly every Friday during school days;
Section 2 Special Meetings will be held on any day except Sundays as called by the Officers.
Section 3 Absences are considered violations of these By-Laws. Disciplinary action will be done based on the following:
a) Four (4) absences from the Officers' Meeting without valid reason/s constitutes gross neglect of duty and subject to disciplinary action
b) Four (4) absences by a Member from the General Assembly without valid reason/s constitutes gross neglect of duty and subject to disciplinary action.
Section 1 The following offences warrant disciplinary action:
a) gross neglect of duty;
b) gross discourtesy to an Officer, Adviser, or Member;
c) malversation of organization funds;
d) all other offenses cited in the university student handbook.
Section 2 Disciplinary actions constitute the following:
a) First Offense - Warning
b) Second Offense - Suspension of rights and privileges of the Officer/Member.
These includes workshop scholarships, production work, and attendance to meetings and conferences within a period of one (1) week to one (1) semester.
c) Third Offense - Dismissal and Forfeiture of Rights and Privileges as a Member
Section 3 Malversation of organization funds is considered a third offense and merits dismissal from the organization
Section 4 Procedure in addressing an offence and meting of disciplinary action are as follows:
a) The Artistic Director will appoint a Disciplinary Action Board (DAB) to investigate complaints regarding offences . It will be composed of five (5) members from the Officers and Members.
b) The DAB has one (1) month to investigate the complaint and present its result to the Artistic Director with a recommendation for action.
c) The Artistic Director shall act on the recommendation within five (5) days upon receipt
d) The offender is given three (3) days upon receipt of the decision to file or state a reconsideration to the Artistic Director. Failure to do so within the prescribed period renders the decision final.
e) The DAB is given three (3) days to act on the reconsideration after which a decision will be given to the Artistic Director. All decisions after the reconsideration are final.
Section 5 The DAB shall in no way impede or supersede any investigation and decision of any university disciplinary board.
Section 1 Offenses warranting impeachment for officers are contained in Article 6 Sec.1 of this By-Laws.
Section 2 Procedures in Addressing an Impeachable Offense and Impeachment are as follows:
a) The officers shall convene a general assembly to vote an Impeachment Committee. It will be composed of five (5) members from the officers and members from which five (5) shall appoint a chairman among themselves. The Impeachment Committee (IC) has fifteen (15) days to investigate the impeachment complain and present its result to the Faculty Adviser for recommended action.
b) The Faculty Adviser upon receipt shall act within three (3) days. The impeached officer is given 24 hours to file a reconsideration with the committee.
c) The committee is given three (3) days to act on the reconsideration after which the decision will be given o the Faculty Advisers, the Faculty Advisers will then act on the recommendation and notify Office of the Students Affairs.
Section 3 The Impeachment Committee shall in no way impede in any university disciplinary board.
Section 4 An impeached officer automatically forfeits any rights and privileges given to him/her as an officer of the organization.
Section 1 The organization's production shall be staged inside the university campus to prioritize the Thomasian audience. Outside venues will only be considered if there are no available venues inside the university.
Section 2 The Officers and Advisers shall give final decisions regarding production aspects in consultation with the director.
Section 1 The annual Gabi ng Parangal will have the following categories in recognition of the plays presented for the schoolyear:
a) Best Play
b) Best Director
c) Best in Production Management
d) Best in Stage Management
e) Best Actor
f) Best Actress
g) Best Supporting Actor
h) Best Supporting Actress
i) Best in Cameo Role
j) Best in Technical Direction
k) Best Original Theme Song (if any)
l) Best in Production Design
m) Best in Set Design
n) Best Set Head
- o) Best Props Head
p) Best in Costume Design
q) Best Costume Head
r) Best in Lighting Design
s) Best Lights Head
t) Best in Sounds Design
u) Best Sounds Head
v) Best in Makeup Design
w) Best Makeup Head
x) Best in Promotions
y) Best in Marketing
z) Best Poster Design
aa) Best Souvenir Program Design
Section 2 The Officers shall convene a Board of Judges to decide on the winners of the different categories of the Gabi ng Parangal.
The Judges shall be composed of fifteen (15) members (or less any odd number) who have watched all the productions nominated with necessarily considering alternates in the acting category.
All decisions by the Board of Judges are final.
Section 1 Candidates for officers should have the following qualifications:
a) a bonafide student of the university;
b) has been a member for at least two (2) years for the positions of Artistic Director, Technical Director, Business Director and Secretary; and, at least one (1) year for the rest of the positions.
c) should have no record of offenses with the organization and the university.
Incase no member is qualified as stated above the officers will present the situation though the General Assembly for votation to suspend the qualification rulings. Members interested to be elected as Officers should file their candidacies at least seven (7) schooldays before the start of the elections.
Section 2 The Committee on Elections (COMELEC) will be composed of the Officers.
Section 3 Voting members should be present at the time of the elections. No absentee voting nor voting by any means of communication is allowed.
Section 4 Ballots to be used for the elections should be signed by the COMELEC head or stamped with the organization's logo. Unmarked ballots will not be valid for voting.
Section 5 Voting Procedures
a) The Officers shall convene the Members in a General Assembly as a voting body.
b) The COMELEC shall take over the GA and call the roll then read the rules of the election;
c) After voting, the COMELEC would then proceed with the counting and tallying of the votes. The following ballots shall be read as follows:
1) Ballots written with the names of the candidates or with the word "ABSTAIN" are valid;
2) Ballots with other markings or name other than the name of the candidate is considered invalid;
3) Blank ballots are considered invalid.
d) After the tallying, the candidate with a majority of votes will be declared the winner by the COMELEC
e) In case of a tie, the COMELEC will declare the tie and proceed with another round of voting after destroying the previous ballots;
f) The COMELEC shall entertain objections to the elections only after the election proper. It shall render a decision three (3) days after the receipt of the complaint.
Section 6 The COMELEC shall declare a failure of elections if the Members in attendance to the General Assembly is not enough to constitute a voting body. The minimum Members in attendance should be twenty five (25) members.
Section 7 The COMELEC shall submit a report on the election returns to the incumbent Secretary for the organization's archives.
These By-Laws are hereby ratified and accepted in accordance with the Constitution of the organization this _____ of ______________, 2007 at the Teatro Tomasino Office, University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila.
Niña Belle Gavan Zoelle Cate Damag Raymond Beltran
Artistic Director Technical Director Business Director
Eladio Jose Abquina Richard Gozum Joanne Saldana
Secretary Auditor P.R.O
Noted by:
Marc Eric C. Reyes Jose Victor Z. Torres Ph. D
Faculty Adviser Faculty Adviser